Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All Aboard the Andrew Express!

Recently, my son had his third birthday.  So in my usual grand gesture, I decide on a theme and go all out with my expression of that theme.  For a while now, my son has been in love with Thomas the Train.  Last Summer, I was blessed to find a train table with some accessories at a local garage sale.  Since then I have been scouting out thrift stores, mom2 moms and consignment stores to add to his collection.  At one, mom 2 mom sale I found a Thomas fold up tent with Annie and Clarabel and that is where I decided on the theme for his third birthday -Thomas the train and friends!
 After Christmas, I began to research train parties on the internet especially on Pinterest. 
I gathered ideas for about a month, then it was time to execute the plans.

The Decorations

Most of the Decorations were purchased from Party City and Oriental Trading.

A big Thomas and Percy Wall Mural available at Party City or Oriental Trading.

The above railroad track table covering is available at Oriental trading under key word railroad.
In this last picture, Our basement was decked out with blue and red create paper, Thomas and Friends spinners, and balloon flag pendants to complete this festive atmosphere.
The Food

 Due to Food Allergies of my own children and family members and some allergies of some of the guests, the food preparation was a bit challenging.  The Menu included Choo Choo Chicken Nuggets (Gluten-Free, Soy Free)-Train Tacos ( Brought prepared, just gluten free) - Cargo Cupcakes(Gluten Free Mac and Cheese which is also Soy free too!)-All Aboard Apples   -Pretzels Logs ( Gluten Free pretzel sticks and regular pretzel sticks)- Veggie Straws (both Gluten Free and Soy Free) Popcorn, Blue Jello, a Coal Car(  Chocolate Covered Raisins)and a Produce train car.  All was displayed as a train on a track with Thomas pulling the cars.


When the party guests arrived, they went to station #1 to make a paper engine.  I found print out coloring pages on the Engine Depot website.

 The we formed a line of all the engines and Chugga Chugg Choo Chooed downstairs. While they waited guests were encouraged to take a ride on the Tiny Tot Railroad with Sir Topham Hat.

Downstairs there was out train table with some new track and trains to make it new and exciting.  Reading with Thomas, Fishing with Captain, Cranky Tower build, Percy Tender toss and the Thomas tent previously mentioned.

The Cake

For my son's birthday Cake I did a two tier cake make from Betty Crocker Gluten free white cake mix, then added some bright sprinkles to the batter.  I baked two nine inch cake pans filled the center with rainbow chip icing then dirty iced it with the same thing.  I covered the cake in marshmallow fondant.  I cut a tunnel hole out of the front of the cake covered it with black marshmallow fondant  and stuck Toby coming out of the tunnel. Toby, Diesal and Harold were some small Thomas and friends that I found at Big Lots.  For the cupcakes I made them out of Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free mix and then added some color bits to some of the batter after I had mad a couple without since they contained soy.  I dirty iced them with Marshmallow creme since regular frosting has soy in it and topped them with marshmallow fondant.  At the base of the cake was a motorized Birthday Surprise Thomas Trackmaster Train that I found on Ebay.  Needless to say, my son loved it and won't leave the table after we cut the cake and still talks about it today.

As my son opened his presents, I gave each guest a Thomas favor bag filled with lots of goodies.  Thank you for reading this blog and I hope my ideas inspired you to make your next event memorable.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Different Kind of Inspiration

This being January - the focus seems to be on losing weight but being a Mom of three I tend to think of my children's needs before my own.  After the birth of my third child, I made a promise to myself that I would get back to what I used  to be.  What I mean is back to my wedding weight and back to wearing contacts since my baby loves to put on my glasses.  Well over the last few months I had been slowly working on these goals, but it wasn't until I came across a picture when helping my mom clean out some things that really well inspired me.  It was a picture taken with my Late Great Aunt around my Graduation from College.  In this photo, I looked happy and I remember I was truly happy. Not to say that I am not happy today with a loving husband, a great house and the wonderful blessings but I have thought for a while that there is just one thing missing.  I am not really happy with myself. I let myself go and let life take over and after three kids my body is showing the wear. I want to be back to that girl in the photo.  I can't go back to the age I was but I can go back to that weight.  About a year before that picture was taken, my mom and I found that we were allergic to gluten.  After years of suffering in pain and not knowing why we finally found the answer.  Once we started eating gluten free which was not easy,  through the tears and stress of it all, the weight starting melting off.  I have been off gluten for 10+ years now but being pregnant three times and taking birth control has done a number to that number on the scale.  So my mission in 2013 is to get back to my wedding weight at 122 pounds.  I started last Monday, cutting out sugar and really watching what I am eating and the reason I am eating. Also I recently learned that I need to watch my consumption of corn products which will be kind of hard since I already don't have gluten. But I am resolved to do it.  So will you join me?  Is there something you been putting off for a while, let me encourage to - just do it- the time is now!

The one on the Top is taken from this Christmas and the one on the bottom was taken December 4, 2004.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tinkerbell Tea Party

Recently my oldest child turned five years old.  My daughter is somewhat of a girlie girl but she loves bugs. So one of the first things I do when starting to plan an event is to have a theme.    I began thinking of her favorite things and do research on what themes I could do that well along with her likes.  After much research, I decided on Tinkerbell after watching the cartoon movie about her and seeing all the animals and bugs  present in it.  So I have my theme and I am ready to finish planning.  Some would say that I go WAY TO OVER BOARD, but this is my outlet of my creativeness in giving my children birthday parties that are special to them.  

The Decorations

I took my cue from the piƱata pictured above. My colors were purple, green and yellow.  I purchased that I found at BIG LOTS.  But there are ones available from Party City or Birthday Express.


Other Decorations I brought from Oriental Trading and the Dollar Store.

 The Food

This is the part of the event where it has been said I go a little crazy.  What can I say I like everything to go along with the theme.  Because it was a Tea Party- we needed to have little sandwiches, fruit, and other tasty finger foods.  I decided to go with PB and J Blossoms, Ladybugs on a Leaf, Ants on a Log, Snail Snacks, Worms and Jello Bugs.  Most of these ideas I found on the Disney Family Fun Magazine Website.

The Full Spread

PB and J Blossoms

Labybugs on a Leaf

 Ants on a Log

Eat your Worms

Jello Bugs

 I was able to make these Jello bugs from a silicon mold I found on Oriental Trading.

 The Guests 

For each guest that came to the tea party, I had fairy wings, tiara, light up wand and a skirt except for my son who was Captain Hook. I purchased most of these items at the dollar store and some at Walmart.

My son - Captain Hook

The Birthday Girl Fairy

  The Cake

For me, I try to make this a center piece, the grand event of presenting the cake and blowing out the candles. But having a normal looking cake is a project in itself.  My children and I follow a Gluten Free lifestyle. After going on a Allergy Diet about 11years ago and finding out the wheat was the reason to some of the health issues I was having.  This journey has had its ups and downs but that is another post for the future. With that said, I decided to give my daughter a two tier Tinkerbell cake.

I baked two cakes different rounds with one of my favorite Gluten Free Cake mix, Bob's Red Mill Vanilla Cake Mix.  After baking, I decided to fill it (like the professionals). I filled it with strawberry pudding which actually turned out ok for the first time doing something like that.  The cake topper I actually found at Goodwill and scrubbed it up.  The cake decorations, the green ribbon and the flowers are edible images purchased from Oriental Trading, The bugs were pre-made and brought from Hobby Lobby.  

I hope by reading this blog that I have inspired some creative thoughts for your next event.